Arancia Rossa di Sicilia: why are Sicilian oranges red?
Sicilian blood oranges can be considered a real and proper medicine, and their strength consists in being a concentrate of fundamental substances for the functions of our body. But why are Sicilian oranges red? Sicilian Blood Oranges are the fruit with the highest concentration of organoleptic properties: some scientific studies have shown that in Sicilian Blood Oranges is present a higher quantity of vitamin C than in other types of Oranges and it should be remembered that vitamin C is considered among the most powerful antioxidants present in nature. In addition to strengthening the immune system against seasonal diseases, it is essential for the prevention of cardiovascular disease, and in the process of detoxification of the body from harmful substances accumulated over time!
But why are Sicilian Oranges red? From what originated their intense colour?
These fruits are different from other types of citrus fruits because they are strongly influenced by the territory where they are cultivated, mainly characterized by a dry climate with a high-temperature range, with the temperature dropping heavily (compared to the day temp) during the night: a necessary condition for them to develop anthocyanins, a group of pigments present in vegetables. But how does this affect them and why are Sicilian Oranges red? These pigments, thanks to their antioxidant power, act as protectors for plants, protecting them from damages caused by ultraviolet radiations, absorbing light and giving the fruit that beautiful and characteristic red colour.
Sicilian territory, thanks to its variety of climate, produces different types of blood oranges, which have different characteristics according to the place of cultivation. For example, we have Sanguinello orange with its orange skin having red nuances and an orange pulp streaked with red, as well as a particular variety coming from Catania, that is Sanguinello Moscato orange, which owes its name to its aroma which is particularly reminiscent of grape.
Moro oranges, on the other hand, are a variety that originated in the Siracusa area, in particular in the territory of Lentini. Their particular characteristic is that of having a pulp without seeds and of a vinous red colour. Among Sicilian blood oranges, this is the most pigmented one (hence the name moro) and with a taste very close to raspberry.
Then there are perhaps the most famous ones, Tarocco oranges, and their origins are to be found in the territory of Syracuse. This type of orange has a very round shape and an orange peel tinged with intense red, as well as its pulp.
Did you know why are Sicilian Oranges red?