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Sicilian Swordfish Rolls | Involtini di Pesce Spada Siciliani

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Adjust Servings:
12 slices Swordfish
2 tbsp Grated caciocavallo
150gr Breadcrumbs
A bunch Parsley Trimmered
2 tbsp Pine nuts
Few Bay leaves
2 tbsp Raisins
Salt and Pepper

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Sicilian Swordfish Rolls | Involtini di Pesce Spada Siciliani

The swordfish for the Sicilians is a special fish due to the fascination that the legend holds, according to which, the fishermen used a rather seductive technique to capture it. It is said precisely that the fishermen used to recite a chant in the dialect of the time, so that the fish remained enchanted and were easily taken.

  • 30 min
  • Serves 4
  • Easy




The Sicilian swordfish rolls are one of the most widespread seconds in Sicily. We can find it with a different name depending on which town you are having them (such as “braciolettini” instead of involtini), however it remains one of the tastiest dishes of Sicilian cuisine; the substantial difference in preparing this dish lies in the filling that goes from grated pecorino cheese to a filling made with capers and basil or raisins and pine nuts. The most renowned are those of the Palermo and Messina cuisine.

The Swordfish, in Sicily, is exploited in a thousand ways, as a first or second course or even as a tantalizing appetizer (remember the carpaccio of swordfish characteristic of the splendid Messina and its province!).

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Mix the breadcrumbs with the caciocavallo, the pine nuts, the raisins, the garlic and the minced parsley, softening everything with some oil.


Wash the slices of the swordfish, remove their skin and flatten them on the table, then pour on each of them a spoonful of the previously prepared mixture.


Roll up the slices onto themselves and feed (put them) in one skewer, alternating onion slices and bay leaves.


Sprinkle with oil, salt and pepper and place on the grill for about 10 minutes, or in a hot oven for the same time.


Serve hot with salad garnish/with a side of salad.

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