Sicilian Mom: 7 facts that will help you recognise one!

1) A Sicilian mom will attempt to feed you every hour of the day, every day of the week.
Attention: if the mother is also a grandmother, the portions are doubled. Every single time that you’ll go back visiting your mum or your nonna, they’ll look at you and say “oh picciriddu, you look skinny. Are you eating properly at home?”.
And that will happen even if since the last time you’ve gained something like 20 lbs… but we all know that every time we gather with our Sicilian family, the table is always full of food!
2) A Sicilian mom will always tell you to wear the “health vest”.
The perfect one: white, wool or cotton, unaesthetic. It always reminded us of Fantozzi…
3) A Sicilian mom will tell you not to walk barefoot around the home.
A second later she will bring you socks and slippers.
4) A Sicilian mom is an oracle: she can feel the danger in advance.
She senses when something can happen to you and, unfortunately, it happens only with negative things.
5) A Sicilian mom has paranormal powers: she can interfere with atmospheric agents.
Me: “Ma’, I’m going out”
Mom: “Bring your umbrella”
Me: “But mom, we’re in July, it’s sunny”
…right after you left the house…
Lightning, thunder, rain, flood.
6) A Sicilian mom will wield the most feared weapon against you: the wooden spoon!
Most mums will use the wooden spoon for cooking their lovely sugo fresco, but not Sicilian Mothers. There’s nothing you can do to escape the wrath of the wooden spoon!
7) A Sicilian mother is able to find your stuff even in an empty drawer.
We’ve got nothing really to say here… this is just another superpower of our Sicilian mothers.
But remember, Mums are always the best! If you are lucky enough to still have your mother by your side, call her, don’t wait and tell her that you love her immensely!
Happy mother’s day to all the mothers of the world!
[…] Have a look at our 7 facts to recognize a Sicilian Mother! […]
Don’t sit on the floor, you’l get piles!
Don’t cross Your Eyes, they’ll stay that way!
If you stick out your tongue the angel will pass and (I don’t remember the rest)
Something like : he’ll touch it and it will stay that way; he’ll pull it out; he’ll take one of his feathers and prick it. My great aunt used to warn us kids with that.
When you are ready to deliver that baby, you better put a knife under the bed to help cut the pain.
Never sit outside on the ground if there’s an “r” in the month.